'use strict';
const GFAPI_KEY = process.env.GFAPI_KEY;
const GFAPI_SECRET = process.env.GFAPI_SECRET;
Sample code to create a listing for Rocket League. Your Gameflip account needs to be verified and Steam connected.
Generate the API Key and OTP secret in Settings page
Type in bash shell:
export GFAPI_KEY=my_api_key
export GFAPI_SECRET=my_api_secret
node src/samples/bulk_listing.js
If you are using an IDE, set the GFAPI_KEY
in the Run Configuration Environment.
Be careful not to commit/push anything with the API key/secret to a public repository.
'use strict';
const GFAPI_KEY = process.env.GFAPI_KEY;
const GFAPI_SECRET = process.env.GFAPI_SECRET;
For your own code, use the ‘gfapi’ library (`npm install ‘iJJi/gfapi’).
const GfApi = require('../../index'); // require('gfapi')
Create a Rocket League listing
async function main() {
Create GF API client. Options: logLevel
(logs HTTP requests/responses)debug
(outputs HTTP requests) const gfapi = new GfApi(GFAPI_KEY, {
algorithm: "SHA1",
digits: 6,
period: 30
}, {
logLevel: 'debug'
For an inventory of Rocket League items and photo URLs, view https://gameflip.com/api/gameitem/inventory/812872018935 and for Fortnite, view https://gameflip.com/api/gameitem/inventory/GFFORTNITE
DO EDIT: Choose an image for your listing, which could be a URL or file path
let photo_url = 'https://gameflip.com' + '/img/items/rocket-league/key.png';
let photo_file = 'key.png';
Create an initial listing
let query = {
DO EDIT: Put just ‘Key’ for example if you are selling one, otherwise write the quantity as so: Item Name | 10x
name: 'Keys | 10x',
description: 'Selling cheap keys!',
price: 1050, // price in cents
tags: [ // Must use the correct tag for search/filtering to function properly
"id: key",
"type: Key",
"quantity: 10x"
Example with color tags: [ “id: chakram”, “type: Wheel”, “color: Black” ]
MAYBE EDIT: Platform variation, change if you want to sell for example Fortnite (upc) on the PlayStation (platform) section instead
upc: GfApi.UPC.RL_XONE,
platform: GfApi.PLATFORM.XONE,
shipping_within_days: GfApi.SHIPPING_WITHIN_DAYS.ONE,
expire_in_days: GfApi.EXPIRE_IN_DAYS.SEVEN,
accept_currency: GfApi.ACCEPT_CURRENCY.FLP // Uncomment this if you want to accept FLP instead of USD
DON’T EDIT: Standard settings for coordinated transfer in game item
category: GfApi.CATEGORY.INGAME,
kind: GfApi.KIND.ITEM,
digital: true,
digital_region: 'none',
digital_deliverable: 'transfer',
shipping_predefined_package: 'None',
shipping_fee: 0,
shipping_paid_by: 'seller',
let listing = await gfapi.listing_post(query);
Upload an image to show in the listing page
gfapi.upload_photo(listing.id, photo_url, 0).then(() => {
Upload another image to show in the search results
return gfapi.upload_photo(listing.id, photo_url);
If you want to add a second image in the listing page then uncomment the two lines below: }).then(() => { return gfapi.upload_photo(listing.id, second_photo_url, 1);
}).then(() => {
List the listing for sale
return gfapi.listing_status(listing.id, GfApi.LISTING_STATUS.ONSALE);
}).catch(err => {
Run main() and catch any unhandle Promise errors
main().catch(err => {
console.log('==== ERROR', err);