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Required behaviors


cash table

property type / key note
owner uuid, primary key  
balance integer  
pending_transaction hash { transaction_id: amount }  
updated timestamp  
version integer  

gbux table

property type / key note
owner uuid, primary key  
balance integer  
pending_transaction hash { transaction_id: amount }  
updated timestamp  
version integer  

bonus table

property type / key note
owner uuid, primary key  
bonus_id uuid, range key  
amount_awarded integer  
amount_available integer  
pending_transaction hash { transaction_id: amount }  
usage hash { transaction_id: amount }  
expiration timestamp  
created timestamp  
updated timestamp  
version integer  

transaction table

property type / key / note
id uuid, primary key
owner uuid (global secondary index)
ref_id source of transaction, e.g. charge, cash-out
ref_type ‘charge’, ‘credit’, ‘cash-out’
fund_flow ‘credit’ or ‘debit’
cash_available integer
gbux_available inteter
bonus_available integer
flp_available integer
gflp_available integer
cash_amount integer
gbux_amount integer
bonus_amount integer
flp_amount integer
gflp_amount integer
bonus_flp_amount integer
bonus_usage hash { bonus_id: amount }
description string
created timestamp



  1. get cash_balance, gbux_balance, and bonus balance (see computing bonus balance)
  2. if the total available balance is not enough, use credit card charge the deficit. and then reduce the debit amount to available balance (completion of analysis step)

  3. use bonus first, gbux second, and then cash
  4. manufacture transaction id, add pending transactions to bonus and cash entries (conditional update)
  5. save transaction entry (completion of auth step)

  6. deduct the amount from bonus, gbux, and cash entries. reduce fund amount and remove pending transaction hash-entry in one atomic write (conditional update with version and expected amount) 6.1 idempotent debit if pending transaction entry is not in the bonus/gbux/cash entry, the amount has been deducted and no further action (completion of reconcile step)

error condition

  1. partial failure at auth step if only pending_transaction id made into only some of the cash/gbux/bonus entries or all pending_transaction are recorded but the transaction record fails to save, some or all funds will not be available.

    remedy when get detailed balance view (available_balance), verify pending_transaction properties have a corresponding transaction record

  2. partial failure at reconcile step execute reconcile step again. it is guarded by idempotent behavior (presence of corresponding pending transaction property)

credit to cash

  1. manufacture transaction id, add pending transactions to cash entry (conditional update)
  2. save transaction entry (completion of auth step)

  3. credit the amount to cash entry. increase the amount and remove the pending transaction hash-entry in one atomic write (conditional update with version and expected amount) 3.1 idempotent credit if pending transaction entry is not in the cash entry, the amount has been credited and no further action (completion of reconcile step)

credit to gbux

  1. manufacture transaction id, add pending transactions to gbux entry (conditional update)
  2. save transaction entry (completion of auth step)

  3. credit the amount to gbux entry. increase the amount and remove the pending transaction hash-entry in one atomic write (conditional update with version and expected amount) 3.1 idempotent credit if pending transaction entry is not in the gbux entry, the amount has been credited and no further action (completion of reconcile step)

error condition

solution is similar to error conditions in debit procedure

credit to bonus

Just add it to the table. the record itself works as a single transaction


directly from cash entry, pending transaction amount listed separately as withhold amount


proceeds from sale held until specific date


directly from gbux entry, pending transaction amount listed separately as withhold amount

bonus balance

  1. retrieve not-yet-expired entry
  2. add all bonus amount as bonus balance
  3. add all pending transactions as withhold amount
  4. (optional) sort by expiration date for debit procedure


cash balance + gbux balance + bonus balance without subtracting withhold amount

Reserved design

property type / key note
owner uuid, primary key  
balance integer  
pending_transaction hash { transaction_id: amount }  
bonus_balance integer cached bonus balance
bonus_updated timestamp date-time when bonus balance updated
bonus_expiration timestamp the earliest expiration time among bonus entries (compare with re-compute time calculated by code)
updated timestamp  
version integer