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Documentation and sample code

Service: Exchange

The exchange service creates and manages sell-buy records. A exchange is represented as a JSON document which is defined in the Exchange doc.

Exchanges can have zero or more sources associated with them.

Service Method Documentation
/api/v1/exchange GET GET /api/v1/exchange
/api/v1/exchange POST POST /api/v1/exchange

GET /api/v1/exchange

Search for exchanges using a search index. The index is updated asynchronously after an exchange is updated, so there is a delay from update to indexed. The delay is normally a few seconds but can be longer in exceptional cases.

Searches by non-admin users are restricted to exchanges for which the requesting user has a role – was either a buyer or a seller. The specific role can be narrowed if desired by including a role as a search field. Requests from admin are not restricted by the role and can match any exchange.

The exchange fields indexed, along with their type and supported search operations are listed below.

Pagination uses limit and start integer parameters to indicate page size and position. The next_page URI is included in the response. The underlying search engine limits the page depth to 10,000 and an error will result if the results attempt to go further than that. For applications that need deep (but forward-only) paging, use a last_key value of initial and the next_page URI can be followed to any arbitrary page depth.

Field Type Search operation
role string in set (buyer/seller) – defaults to any role
id,*_id string in set
name string fuzzy match
buyer string in set
seller string in set
price number range
risk number range
status,*_status string in set
buyer_rated boolean exactly one (true/false)
seller_rated boolean exactly one (true/false)
category string in set
upc string in set
digital boolean exactly one (true/false)
escrow boolean exactly one (true/false)
settled date range
shipped date range
received date range
auto_rate_after date range
created date range
updated date range
version number range

sample request

Search for exchanges bought from a particular user, after December 1 2016 that contain the term flip knife:

GET /api/v1/exchange?role=buyer&seller=us-east-1:8140e966-e1ab-11e6-a74b-3c15c2c2663e&created=2016-12-01T00:00:00.000Z,any&name=flip+knife HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Gameflip 101a3f71e67e028ff390652002c69eae--f33d9d1ebeb1ee75bfd78fe6ba704604e06ba6


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
      "exchanges": [
        "exchange object"
      "found": 1,
      "start": 0
    "next_page": ""

POST /api/v1/exchange

Create an exchange to either buy a listing


sample request

Purchase listing

POST /api/v1/exchange HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Gameflip 101a3f71e67e028ff390652002c69eae--f33d9d1ebeb1ee75bfd78fe6ba704604e06ba6
Content-Type: application/json

 "address_id": "c121c8a8-b8e7-4caf-aee4-c0dcdfc29986"

sample response: purchase listing

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "status": "SUCCESS",
   "data": {
     "id": "ffdbb65a-e9f0-4078-80fb-807dd652f939",
     "listing_id": "effbc46c-09e3-4d77-bec5-10122a5801c6",
     "buyer": "us-fake-1:72f10ea0-f492-4f4d-b1c6-5a7df7de0f31",
     "status": "pending",
     "name": "D4: Dark Dreams Dont Die",
     "price": 40.0,
     "shipping_paid_by": "buyer",
     "handling_status": "need_label",
     "created": "2015-03-12T23:59:36.079Z",
     "updated": "2015-03-12T23:59:36.183Z"

sample error response

listing does not exist

HTTP/1.1 130
Content-Type: application/json

 "status": "FAILURE",
 "data": null,
 "error": {
   "message": "ArgumentError: cannot exchange as listing effbc46c-09e3-4d77-bec5-10122a5801 does not exist",
   "code": 130

sample error response

listing is not on sale

HTTP/1.1 113
Content-Type: application/json

 "status": "FAILURE",
 "data": null,
 "error": {
   "message": "ArgumentError: listing effbc46c-09e3-4d77-bec5-10122a5801c6 is not on sale",
   "code": 113

Exchange document

The exchange document allows the following fields

Sample exchange document

    "id": "ffdbb65a-e9f0-4078-80fb-807dd652f939",
    "listing_id": "effbc46c-09e3-4d77-bec5-10122a5801c6",
    "seller": "MuffnMan"
    "buyer": "Jack Sparrow",
    "status": "settled",
    "name": "Dying Light",
    "price": 4000,
    "upc": "123456789012",
    "shipping_fee": 250,
    "shipping_paid_by": "buyer",
    "shipping_from_state": "CA",
    "shipping_within_days": "5",
    "handling_status": "shipped",
    "shipment_tracking": [],
    "created": "2015-03-12T23:59:36.079Z",
    "updated": "2015-03-13T00:03:33.674Z",
    "version": 2
Field Type Mutable Description
id string no Exchange id
category string no Category from listing
listing_id string no Id of listing in this exchange
seller string no Owner of the listing, copy from listing
buyer string no Buyer id
status string yes see latter description
price number no copy from listing (cents USD)
upc string no copy from listing
shipping_fee number no copy from listing (cents USD)
shipping_paid_by string no copy from listing
shipping_from_state string no copy from listing
shipping_within_days string no copy from listing
shipping_predefined_package string yes copy from listing
handling_status enum no one of: need_label, need_tracking, shipping, shipped
shipment_tracking Array no shipment tracking (not implemented yet)
buyer_rated boolean no  
seller_rated boolean no  
message number yes total count of exchange private messages
auto_rate_after string no RFC3339 string ‘YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.dddZ’
created string no RFC3339 string ‘YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.dddZ’
updated string no RFC3339 string ‘YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.dddZ’
version number no current version of object: incremented on update

Exchange state transition

Current status Event Reaction New status Note
(no status) create   pending create new exchange when user place an order on the listing
pending settle   settled handles prior partial failure and event re-delivery
pending cancel   cancelled may be caused by failure
cancelled settle cancel cancelled buyer cancels before system processing it
cancelled cancel cancel cancelled cancel event
rescinded rescind rescind rescinded buyer cancels if seller doesn’t ship item after promised shipping days, “shipping_within_days” is stored in listing
settled settle ignore settled verify only but should be event re-delivery
settled cancel reject settled too late. it is processed. (uncommon, unless race condition)
settled received buyer rates received notified that item delivered OR when buyer rates seller
received (patch) seller rates pending_completion  
pending_completion complete   complete all transaction completed

All other state transitions not listed in this table receive rejection reaction

Event is consumed and error logged

Three terminal states: cancelled, rescinded, complete.

Once reached one of the three states, exchange will not transition out